So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining
in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts (2 Pet 1:19)
Water Baptism
What is Water Baptism?
Salvation comes through confessing that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour and believing that He has risen from the dead (Romans 10:9). Water baptism is a sign that we not only believe in Jesus, but, we are willing to be identified with Him.
Water Baptism is a spiritual event, where the person being baptised is literally buried with Jesus, then raised with Him by the same power of God which raised Jesus from the dead (Colossians 2; 12). In God’s strength, the believer emerges into "newness of life".
Our baptism may not be as spectacular as Jesus’ baptism, with a voice from Heaven or a descending dove, but its spiritual significance is just as important.
What happens in Water Baptism?
Water baptism is our public confession that we have accepted Christ Jesus as our Saviour. It is an outward sign of an inward event. Furthermore, it is a step of obedience to Jesus’ command that we be baptized (Matthew 28:19). At baptism we symbolically leave the "old man” in the water and "put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27). We rise out of the water with "newness of life’ (Romans 6:4).
Am I ready to be Baptised?
If you have asked Jesus to come into your life and forgive your sins - you’re ready! In Acts 2:41, people were baptised "the same day". In Acts 3:12, 37-38 it was "when they believed". In Acts 16:33 it was the same hour.
How can I prepare for Water Baptism?
As we enter into water baptism with expectancy and an open heart to the Holy Spirit, it will signify a dying to our old lives, when we lived according to deceitful lusts, and a coming alive to God and a desire to follow Christ Many people look back on their day of water baptism as a day of new beginnings.
One of the essential elements needed by a new believer to be water baptised is a repentant heart, that is, to have a strong desire to turn away from sin. In the Book of Acts after Peter shared about the death and resurrection of Jesus, many of the people felt guilty. Peter’s advice to them was simple:
Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of J«us Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). Before water baptism, we should pray and ask God to give us the grace and strength to follow Jesus thereafter, in an honest and upright way.
How should I be baptized?
’Baptise is the English version of the Greek word "baptizo" which means to "dip, immerse, submerge" Scriptures indicate that Jesus, when baptised by John the Baptist, was totally immersed in the river. In Acts 8:36-39, Philip baptised an Ethiopian Eunuch with both of them going Into the water* then coming "out of the water". In view of this and many other Scriptures it is clear that the only Biblical method of water baptism was by immersion.
In Acts 8:36-38 we read of Phillip and the eunuch: "And as they passed along the way, they came on some water. And the eunuch said, See, here is water, what hinders me from being baptized? Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, it is lawful. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still. And they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch. And he baptized him."
The Steps of Salvation
Have you taken followed these steps
The Bible teaches that sin is a transgression of God’s law (1 John 3:4). All people who know the difference between right and wrong have sinned (Romans 3:23). Our sins separate us from God (Isaiah 59:1,2). The punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23). This is “the second death” which is “the lake of fire” (Revelation 21:8).
God loves us. He does not want us to be punished for our sins. Therefore, He has provided a way for us to be forgiven (John 3:16). God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins (1 John 4:10). Jesus suffered the punishment which we should have received for our sins (Isaiah 53:4-6). He did not die for His own sins, for He had none (2 Corinthians 5:21). He suffered for our sins on the cross so that we can be forgiven (Romans 5: 6-8; 1 Peter 2:24). In order for us to be forgiven of our sins, and therefore receive eternal life, we must accept the salvation which Christ has made possible. There are five steps which we must take to receive this salvation. Read more here
Pray for One Another
Prayer Requests

Christianity is all about caring for one another; it’s all about praying for each other and it’s all about sharing our faith in the great, great living God we serve. If you are in need of prayer please feel free to complete and submit the prayer request form below.
It doesn’t matter how big or small the request, we all surely know that our Heavenly Father will always answer our prayers and fulfill our needs. Mathew 18:19-20 says: "Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree about whatever they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in heaven. For wherever two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them."
Together We'll Make a Difference
We will stand together and seek God’s face in every circumstance, no matter what the problem, our God is much bigger than any situation and His caring Love is our comfort. We are more than conquerors in the Name of Jesus. The sweetest Name I know. “I have but only a slingshot and a stone but then, I know it’s enough to break the enemy's scull…I will step forward in faith for our God is ALIVE, yes, POWERFUL is HE!
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