So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining
in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts (2 Pet 1:19)
Distance Learning Fees
The study fee (payable upfront) is R300 per month or a once off payment of R3500 per year.
On registration and payment of the applicable fees, the student will receive the CD’s for the first subject (Apologetics). Irrespective of how the student progresses with his/her study, the monthly fee is still payable each month. The student may request the following CD’s at any time after the 1st of the next month, providing the monthly fee has been paid upfront. Please bear in mind that some subjects run longer than a month, therefore the fees you pay are not per subject, but rather per month.
Should a student prefer to make a once off payment for twelve months he/she may do so with the understanding that the CD’s will only be sent on a monthly basis.
To enrol please complete the enrolment form below and submit. As soon as we have received it we will contact you.
Should you require more information complete and submit the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Pray Hard
Study Smart

Before studying the Bible pray for more zeal and understanding prior to reading any portion of Scripture.
Complete and Submit
Contact Form:
Contact Form
Contact us:
Tel and address detail:
JVW Ministries
55 Beefwood Crescent
Jeffreys Bay
Mobile:+27 82 893 7053
Office: +27 (0)42 296 0175
Email: admin@jvwministries.co.za info@nikosministry.co.za