So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining
in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts (2 Pet 1:19)
Meet Jan van Wyk (D.Th)
Director and founder of JVW Ministries
Jan is the second son born to Henry and Joey van Wyk in Zambia.. He committed his life to Christ at the age of seven, after an Evangelist, Don Normand, had ministered to the local school children in Chingola, where Jan was a scholar. From that day on he attended church meetings held by various Assembly of God ministers and during this time, became aware of God’s calling in his life. After completing secondary school he was employed as an apprentice motor mechanic on a lead mine at Broken Hill. Just a year later, however, he and his parents relocated to South Africa (SA).
It was here that he met Drieka van Zyl, whom he also married and together they were blessed with three children. While the first two of the children were still very young Jan responded to God’s call to the full time ministry and completed his theological training with the Full Gospel Church of God in SA. Since then he has pastored 7 churches as senior pastor during which time he also furthered his theological studies via the University of SA (Unisa). Here the degrees B.TH; Hons B.TH; M.Th and D.Th were conferred on him. In 2003 God burdened Jan with the task of re-emphasizing the imminent return of King Jesus and this led to the initial beginning of Nikos Ministry. Since then he has ministered both nationally and internationally across denominational borders and many people have encountered Christ under his anointed evangelistic / teaching ministry.
Sadly Drieka passed away in 2014, and Jan married Zelna Dalton, in 2015. Shortly after their marriage Zelna tragically passed away. In November 2019 Jan married Marietha Pretorius and together they travel nationally and internationally proclaiming the Good News, while also teaching on a variety of biblical subjects.
You can invite Jan to minister at your venue by calling him on 082 893 7053 or send him an email to admin@jvwministries.co.za to secure a booking.
End Time Teaching
Powerpoint Slides included
Below are a samples of the quality of the PPT presentation that Dr Jan uses during the End Time teaching.
Make an appointment
Quality is great
The quality of Dr Jan's teaching material is excellent as is the DVD set concerning the End Times. If you have never really been able to comprehend the content of the prophetical and apocaylyptical books of the Bible, you should invite Dr Jan to your venue. He explains it all in a very simple and logical way.
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Contact us:
Tel and address detail:
JVW Ministries
55 Beefwood Crescent
Jeffreys Bay
Mobile:+27 82 893 7053
Office: +27 (0)42 296 0175
Email: admin@jvwministries.co.za info@nikosministry.co.za