So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining
in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts (2 Pet 1:19)
The Power of Pentecost
If we would see God do great things today, and if we would become mature, victorious, useful Christians, then we must see our desperate need for the power of the Holy Spirit.
- · We don’t need new methods.
- · We don’t need religious rock concerts.
- · We don’t need new Bibles.
- · We don’t need new theology.
- · We don’t need more money.
- · We don’t need modern buildings.
- · We don’t need doctorate degrees.
- · We don’t need spectacular entertainment.
- · We don’t need user-friendly, compromising “preaching.”
- · We need Spirit-empowered preachers.
- · We need Spirit-empowered youth leaders.
- · We need Spirit-empowered Sunday school teachers.
- · We need Spirit-empowered soul winners.
- · We need Spirit-empowered parents.
- · We need Spirit-empowered husbands and wives.
- · We need Spirit-empowered crèche workers.
- · We need Spirit-empowered ushers.
- · We need Spirit-empowered deacons.
- · We need Spirit-empowered teenagers.
- · We need Spirit-empowered adults.
- · We need to be Spirit-empowered, born again believers!
Sanctification - Teaching on Being the person that God wants you to be. (3 services)
God’s Guidance- Teaching the importance of hearing God’s voice. Ideal for Camps.
Divorce Proof- Teaching the basics of Christian Marriage.
A New Call to Holiness - Christian Holiness restudied and restated.(3 services)
The Making of a Man - Ideal for Men’s camps.
The Making of a Woman - Ideal for Ladies camps.
Eschatology - Teaching on Prophetic End Time events (4 Services)
God does what He Promises

It was the third service of five during a Holy Spirit campaign held at the FGC, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth from 18-21 October, 2009. The last chorus was being sung and at this time I became aware of a mighty anointing of God upon me. At the same time I experienced a burning desire in my heart to move within and without the borders of South Africa, teaching on the Holy Spirit and praying for people to be baptized with Holy Spirit Power.
It was then that a prophetic word from God was delivered by a man standing in the back pew. The following words were part of the Word from God: "I will give you your hearts desire if you kneel before me ....." Immediately I obeyed and I know that God is leading me forward into a new season - a season of evangelistic teaching on the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Shortly afterwards I ministered on the subject for a few minutes and then invited those who desired the Holy Spirit baptism to step forward. After prayer, Jesus baptized many with the power of the Holy Spirit, which was confirmed by the initial evidence of speaking in tongues by all the recipients.
I would so much like you to experience the Holy Spirit power, so that together we may all be Spirit filled witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ. As mentioned in the main body of this page - it is the desperate need of our day. Let's move forward together in these changing times.
I am more than willing to visit you at your venue to assist you in this or any other ministerial subject. Simply submit the form below and I will get back to you a.s.a.p.
May God richly bless you.
Jan van Wyk
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JVW Ministries
55 Beefwood Crescent
Jeffreys Bay
Mobile:+27 82 893 7053
Office: +27 (0)42 296 0175
Email: admin@jvwministries.co.za info@nikosministry.co.za